The NPL Football Academy is delighted to announce that Leek Town student Kieran Machin has gained a coaching apprenticeship with Premier League club Stoke City.

Kieran joined the pilot programme in 2014 and this summer successfully completed his BTEC in Sport Level 3 Diploma.
He has now gained an apprenticeship at Stoke City coaching on the clubs community scheme working on their soccer schools, holiday clubs, Premier League Kicks programme and in the local schools.
Machin applied for the position and was invited to a trial day at Fenton Manor where he took part in single and group coaching sessions and team building exercises and was successfully chosen with three others from thirty applicants.
Machin stated “Coaching is something I have always wished to venture into as I have always taken a great interest in the tactics and the science behind what makes team’s and players the best they can be.”
On his time at the NPL Football Academy, Machin commented “I loved the first year of the NPLFA, that was absolutely brilliant as a pilot year. The second year with Jordan (Burndred) passing away at the start was hard for us all, especially for the lads who had grew up with him, so the second year was difficult in that respect.
“I would definitely recommend the course to people whom like me wanted to learn what you can at school but get away from the school environment, it’s a great way to do so. With myself and Aaron (Hall) coming from Biddulph, we have met people from Leek who we would never have previously had the chance to meet who I would generally consider friends for life and it also prepares for the challenges of entering “the real world” and being confident, bold and not scared to take the road less traveled.
“I personally think that if you listen and really take in what you are being taught, the course can really set you a few steps ahead of other people in the applicant process and the knowledge gained can really set you up for anything in sports from rehabilitation like Aaron is partaking in, to coaching such as myself and other things like sports analysis and nutrition.
“I feel that the course can be a catalyst to gaining a career in sport and is the perfect platform to start your journey while doing what you love along the way”
Everyone at the NPL Football Academy would like to wish Kieran the very best of luck at Stoke City.
We are sure that if he continues to work hard like has done over the last two years, he will be a success in anything he chooses to do.