2023/24 was the tenth year of the ESPFA and we would like to acknowledge some of the fantastic opportunities that our graduates are progressing onto. 115 second-year students completed their time on the course this summer and came away with their level three qualifications. 40 of those will be continuing their studies and progressing onto a higher education institution. We caught up with Charlie Finch from ESPFA Cheshire who has moved to the United States of America to embark on a soccer scholarship at the University of Arkansas Rich Mountain representing the ‘Bucks’.

Charlie has already made the move across the Atlantic with his season starting on Thursday 22nd August and has fulfilled a lifelong ambition.
“It has always been a dream of mine to pursue football and to be able to do this whilst also encountering new cultures and travel was the reason for choosing to move overseas.”
Not only is Charlie looking forward to developing further in the classroom and on the pitch, it is the life experiences on offer that also appeal to the Cheshire youngster.
“I am looking forward to developing my career in football and improving my skills whilst also studying for a further qualification. I am also looking forward to forging new friendships and sharing different experiences with other football players from all over the world.”
After completing his two years on the ESPFA programme in July, Charlie has had a successful experience on and off the pitch and has created memories he will now take to the states.
“I have enjoyed my time at the ESPFA. The stand out memory for me was of course us winning the treble last season and sharing this experience with a great bunch of lads and coaches."
As someone who has gone through the whole process of being an ESPFA student, Charlie has some invaluable advice he wishes to pass on to second year students who may wish to follow a similar path in 2025 and the new intake of students enrolling for the first time this month.
“My advice to younger ESPFA students who would like to explore this pathway is to do your research. We all want to follow our hearts but it is important to listen to our heads. A good agent is important who explains exactly what you want and what you are looking to achieve. They will help guide you and when offers come in, ensure you weigh up the pros and cons of them. Ask to speak to other players already playing for the colleges and gauge their responses to your questions.”
Now embarking on a new chapter in his life, Charlie would recommend the ESPFA course to anyone who wishes to join in the future.
“I would absolutely recommend the ESPFA to current year 11s. The course further develops your football skills whilst also ensuring your further academic qualifications. I loved wearing my Witton Albion shirt and will always have fond memories of my two years wearing it.
“A huge thanks to all the staff at the ESPFA, both front facing and behind the scenes, because of the ESPFA I was able to make my dream of moving over to the USA a reality.”
From everyone at the ESPFA, we are extremely proud of Charlie and his success whilst being on the programme and we wish him the very best of luck across the pond and we will be keeping tabs on how he is progressing throughout the year at the Bucks.